IvyShuttle Academy 美国升学教育学院
Ivy Shuttle : 成长和升学教育专家,美国名校摇篮。
Ivy Shuttle – Access Best Education !
哈佛直通车,圆您名校梦 !
IvyShuttle Academy 美国升学教育学院
Ivy Shuttle is an academy that offers a unique college readiness education — ECAT (Elite College Advanced Training ) and USTOP100 , through our Ongoing Facilitating Education System, OFES, which facilitates each student’s emergent development needs through learning in physical classrooms and cloud classrooms.
Ivy Shuttle believes that intellectual capacity, interpersonal maturity, and integrative vitality are important qualities for a student’s college readiness, as well as crucial indicators for his or her success in high school, college, and future careers. The growth of these qualities depend on the student’s self-awakening understanding of the value of true learning and how it can drive him or her through rigorous learning challenges in academic and non-academic areas.
Ivy Shuttle’s instructors are experienced educators who teach at and/or were educated at the best US universities, including Harvard, Princeton and Columbia. Ivy Shuttle strives to provide an educational experience that best supports each student’s individual needs in the development of his or her intellectual capacity, interpersonal maturity, and integrative vitality. Our goal is for each student to be well-prepared for college and for life.
Ivy Shuttle Academy 美国升学教育学院 (哈佛直通车): 哈佛教授主创,是专门为那些有志于美国顶尖名校的学生而设计创立的 教育学院。这个教育学院通过一个成长以及成长支持系统 OFES (Ongoing Facilitating Education System)来提供全程候大学预备教 育 -ECAT (Elite College Advanced Training)和USTOP100(美国顶尖100)。 “顶级水平的指导,让你少走弯路” (家长语),一生受用品质和能力的发展,让 90%在读学生 可以脱颖而出,一举中第 。 Ivy Shuttle Academy 美国升学教育学院(哈佛直通车)教员来自哈佛常青藤名校,每年 学院毕业学生考入美国顶尖名校比例在90%左右,远超任何”私校””公校”。
Ivy Shuttle Academy 美国升学教育学院(哈佛直通车)充分利用现代通讯技术,开放式无围墙,全学程不间断,是一所完美结合 地上线上”因才施教””潜质高启”专注启智进阶及一生受用能力发展之全新现代学堂。近几年已连续为哈佛输送12位华裔学生, 为斯坦福输送十一位华裔学生,有超过十位学生获得宾大奖学金包括一名全额奖学金,为其他顶尖大 学培养输送数百近千优秀学生。(视频:ECAT.TV )
Ivy Shuttle 加拿大学术培训中心还常年提供线上线下的经典SAT课程,AP课程和不同年级的英文写作课程。授课老师来自哈佛,康奈尔,约翰霍普金斯,多大,约克等美国和加拿大顶尖大学。(CloudClassroom.org)
FINDUS: ivyshuttle (微信/谷歌/腾讯视频), office@ivyshuttle.con, 1 866 962 9922 ,ivyshuttle.info(视频见证),ECAT.tv (视频介绍)
Office: 7130 Warden Ave.,Suite 302 L3R 1S2 Canada
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